Report a Scam

Don't let others fall victim to the same scam. Report your experience today and help protect others from financial fraud.
Before You Report
If your personal or financial information has been compromised, take immediate action. Reach out to your bank and credit card company right away to inform them of the situation and request that they block any unauthorized transactions.

Why Should I Report a Scam?

Help stop scams

Learning more about scammers activities in the world allows us to develop more effective strategies to combat them.

Protect others

Sharing scam details helps us alert the community and allows everyone to better protect themselves.

Every Report Helps!

You might not have all the information about the scam, and that's okay. Fill in whatever details you do have in the fields below. Double-check your spelling and make sure to avoid including any personal information in the 'Scam Description'.

Initial Contact
Scam Details
Personal Info

Initial Contact Method

Scam Details

Personal Information

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How We Rate
how we rate

At AlertoPedia, we rate companies based on several key factors including regulatory status, website status, geographical licensing, and historical data concerning any warnings or sanctions from financial authorities, reflecting the company's trustworthiness. 

Regulatory Influence

The licensing status of a company plays a significant role in our review process. Companies regulated by reputable authorities typically receive a more favorable rating, reflecting their adherence to stringent financial standards and consumer protection laws. 

Ongoing Monitoring

Ratings are initially established based on the most current data available and are subject to change based on new information or regulatory actions. We continuously monitor regulatory actions and company behavior to ensure our ratings remain current and accurate.